About two years ago, I was in my mid 40s and still searching for ‘the meaning of life’. My physical life was not going well, and I had a proclivity towards seeing the negative side of things. Spiritually, I had no direction and I wondered ‘if this was all there was to life’. After starting Audinometry, I found the answer to the question, ‘what is the meaning of life?’ I also realized that life had been giving me lessons, but I wasn’t learning the lessons because I wasn’t paying attention. Audinometry has helped me become more aware of myself and the reason for my existence. I actively listen for the lessons I am here to learn, and have a new confidence that I am heading in the right direction. My physical life has also improved. My experiences with Audinometry can be summed up by BKA’s poem, ‘Waking Up’.
What I got from EV – Using the techniques of Audionometry, I began for the first time ever to have spiritual experience, actually visualizing the non-physical realms. (As one who came from a background of applied physical sciences–this was a revelation.) This experience has steadily improved throughout the 30+ years I have meditated. When I meditate regularly and use the techniques, there is a noticeable increase in physical energy. As time has passed, my life progression has moved forward career-wise. Bad relationships have been exchanged for constructive ones. While there are still people in my life that pose difficulties, I can see this in context. Some physical problems (health) improved through focus and awareness of diet. And the friends I have made through Elan Vital have been priceless.
I suppose it’s worth noting that I teach math, and that it has a way of coloring the way I think the world should work. The Eureka Society is completely in line with the testable, repeatable approach to life that I have come to expect before putting much stock in something. It’s approach to spiritual development falls in line with an important aspect of educational theory, that of demystification. Demystification means explaining to you what is holding you back from accomplishing something, identifying what the breakdown is, and fixing it. This approach doesn’t stop being useful once you move above and beyond physical life, since all experience is ultimately spiritual. The Audinometry method really shows you the nuts and bolts of how higher spiritual structures work. No dogma, second-hand experience or mindless devotion to unproven fantasies. Why have I stayed with it? Because it works, and because it has given me the tools to build a more successful and satisfying life than I would have ever dreamed possible. A word of warning though. You may not be satisfied with what your old life gave you after working with this system. Meditating with this system is like dumping the dialup connection for a cable modem. You can’t really go back without being frustrated to tears with the slow speed and lack of functioning. Sound interesting? See you on the mountain.
I had been in and out of drinking and doing drugs for many years of my life even though I maintained a job and raised my family through it all. There was obviously something missing in my life because I was also going to church. But the deeper I got into it, the more terrible I felt about myself. Especially when all they told me in church is how I constantly need to change and that I was such a terrible person all of the time. I later found that those pointing the finger at me were just as bad if not worse and they had no idea how to handle their own lives. So why were they always concentrating on me so much. I hated this type of hypocrisy and fake happiness. It was exhausting and wrong. About 2 years ago I started meditating and it has brought more peace than anything else I have ever done. The choices I make are more clearer and I finally have more control and direction in my life. I am so much more happier than I have ever been. The funny thing is – it was there all along! I just needed the tools to help find it.
What I love about this system is that it’s all about me! So many things in my life have not been that way, always about someone else I was helping or supporting. But now I get to do something spiritually that’s only about me. I love it!
There are lots of ways to ‘get off’ in the world and I have done most of them; liquor, drugs, sex, and so on. But when I am really getting off in meditation, it is so much better than any of those other ways. And I don’t have to score anything, involve anyone else, or go anywhere. Just sit down and plug in, and the inner universe is mine.
This past year I’ve been working on redoing my foundation. I realized that I was building on an old set of patterns and belief systems, and they didn’t work in my life. So I’ve been working hard at breaking them down and setting up new ones, and doing it for myself this time. I’m doing things that make me happy, and in the process, my meditations have taken a turnabout. ‘Life is a magical perception’ is a message I’ve been getting inside. Making these changes has been really good. Define your idea of life and what perception means to you and put the magic in your life. You are responsible for that. You alone.
One thing that I’ve had to learn is how to play, how to have fun, how to be a kid. I had no idea this was a part of growing spiritually. It is the part of me that is able to delight in life, and is the part that communicates with Deity. You have to be in this mode to hear and communicate with the higher contacts. Find the child in you, and if it needs to be healed, figure that out, whatever it takes, and then have some fun. It is the child in you that needs to grow spiritually.
The Eureka Society has greatly expanded my experience of the world, echoing knowledge lost long ago. And a terrific husband who also shares the vision.
The teachings of Elan Vital, the spiritual school of the Eureka Society, is the vital way. And that’s what Elan Vital means. It’s given me the reason for being, helped me grow, helped me become more me, and showed me the value of energy, altitude and velocity. It has made my world more beautiful and has opened my ‘doors of perception’. And I know what it’s like to travel at the speed of sound and light. It’s the only way to go.
Since joining the Eureka Society, my life has changed completely. Audinometry helps me become ever more of my SELF. It brought me to my family, gave me the keys to the Universe and showed me the way … HOME. This is the most fulfilled, inspired and happy I’ve ever been. Energy doesn’t lie. The proof is in the pudding!
After reading every esoteric/spiritual type book I could find, I still felt that there was a lot more I needed to know. I believed the knowledge was out there. I just had to find it. Through a very strange coincidence I found the Eureka Society. Through the techniques they taught me I’ve been able to find out for myself just how this world works. And more importantly what is important and what isn’t important in this world. The only limit to what you can learn is the effort you put in and your spiritual readiness to progress. But if you keep an open mind and focus on learning, the experience and wisdom you have access too is beyond measure.
My life has changed completely, and these techniques help me become ever more of my SELF. It brought me to my family, gave me the keys to the Universe, and showed me the way … HOME. This is the most fulfilled, inspired, and happy I’ve ever been. Energy doesn’t lie. The proof is in the pudding!
It is my responsibility to take care of my own being, to be in the center of my field, to take care of my spiritual structures, to handle protocol inside properly, to be myself in creation, and in fact be a willing productive partner with creation. To be alive, and be me!
One important lesson that I have learned, is that you can’t do these techniques halfway, either in how you practice them or in the attitude you take towards them. Being lax or half-hearted doesn’t really get you anywhere and is just a waste of time. I mean, why wouldn’t you go for it? It really is all or nothing.
It feels so good to meditate, as if I am cleaning off the negative effects of our so-called civilization. Maybe that old adage, ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’ is true. Well, it works for me.
After starting this program, I found the answer to the question, ‘what is the meaning of life?’ I also realized that life had been giving me lessons, but I wasn’t learning the lessons because I wasn’t paying attention. This has helped me become more aware of myself and the reason for my existence. I actively listen for the lessons I am here to learn, and have a new confidence that I am heading in the right direction. My physical life has also improved.
I think one of the most basic things in this system was also one of the hardest things to do, at least for me. Having to both get very relaxed and then focus your attention at the same time is very difficult. I began working at doing each separately, and then trying to put them together. I feel I have made gradual headway, and have finally been having what I would consider, spiritual experience.
Every time I meditate I feel I am going into my own private sanctuary where no one else can go. It gives me much comfort, and a feeling of safety and relaxation where I can look at things and consider who I am and what I am about. It feels good to be able to do this. I cannot envision never doing this. I am glad I found it. I am truly on my way home.
I feel I’ve learned an important technique for me to deal with childhood trauma. In meditation when I’m in a good place, I go back to the original event of that trauma and rewrite the script. I change the resolution and make things turn out more positive in my memory. And I make sure that my inner child is with me when I do it. It may take several times doing this to make it stick, but it seems to be working, and my child seems happier.