Lesson Program
Creation and all the life that encompasses is constantly evolving, from the simplest, lowest forms to the most complex, highest forms. But all creation is linked by a vital essence, the sound current or audible life stream, which “causes everything to be”. This means all life has equal potential for growth. However, the decisions we make about our own life’s progressions reflect whether we help or hinder creation in evolving our beings. Audinometry helps one take control of this process, and speed it up to one’s own potential in a positive direction.

Basically, Audinometry is an advanced system of inner development, personal growth and meditation practices which are western, progressive and non-devotional in concept, design and technique. However, we understand that people pursue a meditative type of program for many different reasons. Some want an aid to personal development with tools to better understand and operate their being. Others would like to get acquainted with the high-energy experience before committing to long range growth. Still others would like assistance in healing their personal situations, what we call “putting the airplane in the hangar for repairs”.
Because of this range in individual need, spiritual growth by its very nature never “fits” easily into a specific program. But in order for you to take control of your inner life and find the freedom which can be discovered and expanded, a certain level of discipline and commitment is required. Greater freedom does require greater responsibility. That day when you received your first driver’s license, you had more rules and regulations to follow. But you also gained greater freedom. Spiritual growth is very similar.
What we offer is a well-researched, highly-developed, nuts and bolts approach to an exciting, inner, personal, and spiritual adventure. Our goal is for the program to enhance your personal progression and give you the tools to understand it. After more than 50 years of making this available, we have found that those who put forth the effort to do the techniques and are willing to allow positive changes into their lives, are extremely pleased with the results.
The program is set out in a series of lessons, offering techniques which build on one another. It was carefully designed to give you techniques in a sequence allowing you to develop a good foundation and confidence, before moving on to future lessons.
Because we consider the Audinometry program to be the graduate school of sound current meditation, and since the program does require a very high degree of commitment, the seven-book series, THE TOOLS OF IMMORTALITY, serves as an informative introduction to the program. In these seven books you will be presented and familiarized to many of the experiences, concepts, explorations, and comprehensions of the Audinometry system. In this way, you will be better educated and enlightened as to whether this type of meditative program is one that is right for you and your spiritual future. Of course, that decision is always yours.
For many years the Eureka Society used to administer its Audinometry program in a different way, but there has been a change in this policy. As mentioned above, now our seven-book series, THE TOOLS OF IMMORTALITY, needs to be purchased before a prospective student is allowed into the Audinometry program. Here is a link to that website. If you have any questions or need more information, please email us.