How To Become A Member
When I was a young man, many years ago now, looking for a spiritual path offered few possibilities. This was even more true as I already knew the ringing sound in my ear (everyone has it) was vitally important.
If you wish to know what a person knows about Deity, ask them what they know about the ringing sound inside their own being. It is the fuel which feeds the fire of life and opens the road, leading you to your own Divine destiny.
Nowadays, it seems almost everywhere one turns there is this piper or that piper offering this path and that path. The paths they offer lead to this great, great, or super great, guru, teacher, or sage of some sort. But do not lose yourself in someone else. REMEMBER, it is NOT the teacher who is important, it is YOU who are important.
It is not how you feel about the teacher that matters. It is how the teachings make you feel about yourself. Practicing devotion to another being depletes your own spiritual energy. To grow in spirit you must learn to hold your own energy until you have a critical mass. Then when you are strong in yourself, you are more able to be on the road to your Divine destiny…the radiant road to life.
You are a Divine being, meant to stand among the LORDS of creation, but you are an embryo of what you are yet to become. There is still much growing to do. The path you are looking for is within you, and you already have inside yourself all that is needed to master the radiant road to Divine reality.
You may well need training to be able to use the tools which you have, but don’t let anyone sell you something extra (at a great price). You surely have it already in your tool box.
Below are instructions on how you can learn to manage your own energy and how your being works. Good Luck.
Because we consider the Audinometry program to be the graduate school of sound current meditation, and since the program does require a very high degree of commitment, the seven-book series, THE TOOLS OF IMMORTALITY, serves as an informative introduction to the program. In these seven books you will be presented and familiarized to many of the experiences, concepts, explorations, and comprehensions of the Audinometry system. In this way, you will be better educated and enlightened as to whether this type of meditative program is one that is right for you and your spiritual future. Of course, that decision is always yours.
For many years the Eureka Society used to administer its Audinometry program in a different way, but there has been a change in this policy. As mentioned above, now our seven-book series, THE TOOLS OF IMMORTALITY, needs to be purchased before a prospective student is allowed into the Audinometry program. Here is a link to that website. If you have any questions or need more information, please email us.